"I am always doing what I cannot do yet, in order to learn how to do it"
-Vincent Van Gogh




Jonathan Trueblood


Jonathan Trueblood was born in a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri, thereby sealing his fate as a lifelong fan of the St. Louis Cardinals. Growing up, the three most important aspects of Jon's life were his dog, his baseball team, and the weather. During the Great Flood of 1993, Jon obsessed over the skies, fearing the flood waters would rise to his house, even though he lived nowhere near any of the affected rivers. After graduating from High School, Jon took his love for science and baseball to Northwest Iowa where he studied Physics at Dordt College. Unfortunately, he had to leave his dog in St. Louis. While there, he ran cross country and track, played in the Concert Band, participated in a few productions for the theater department, and cooked every now and then for his 5 other roommates.

Jon obtained his Masters in Atmospheric Science is now studying at North Carolina State University under the guidance of Dr. Meskhidze. His research was focused upon aerosol formation over the pristine ocean regions. The interactions between marine life and the atmosphere play a crucial role in climate regulation.

Jon is now at the University of Iowa working on a PhD in chemistry under Dr. Vicki Grassian. His research is in collaboration with the Center for Aerosol Impacts on Climate and the Environment (CAICE). He is focusing specifically on the heterogeneous chemistry of sea spray aerosols and how surface reactions can alter their composition, morphology, reactivity, and hygroscopicity.

For Clarity: In the above picture, Jon is the one on the left.